Bad Breath and Dental health Problems


Bad breath can cause anxiety and embarrassment. Bad breath can be especially bothersome because you won’t know if it is bad.
There are many products that claim to clean your breath, but they don’t address the root cause of bad breath (halitosis).

Some foods, such as garlic and onions, contain strong oils that can enter your bloodstream during digestion. These oils can be detected in your breath. Other foods between your teeth may attract bacteria and give off an unpleasant odor.

Bad breath can be caused by bad breath if your mouth has cavities, gum disease or other dental problems. As with partial and full dentures, bacteria can also be trapped on the tongue.

Dry mouth

  • Bad breath can also be caused by dry mouth. You will experience bad morning breath if your mouth is open while you sleep. Dry mouth can also be caused by a decreased production of saliva.
  • Tobacco and smoking, along with their own foul odors promote bad breath.
  • Poor dental hygiene and diet are the most common causes of bad breath. Bad breath can also be caused by certain diseases and conditions. Bad breath can be caused by diabetes, problems with the nose or throat (e.g. sinus infections), and other health conditions. If you suspect that bad breath is caused by disease, your dentist might refer you to a doctor.
  • Bad breath can be treated in most cases with ease. Although your dentist might warn you against eating spicy foods, good dental hygiene is the best solution.
  • Bad breath can be solved by brushing your mouth with toothpaste after each meal and using an antibacterial mouth rinse (consult your dentist for recommendations).
  • Regular flossing helps keep plaque buildup (and bad breath) at bay.
  • Regular dental visits are essential for gum disease and cavities treatment. Your dentist might recommend that you schedule professional cleanings four times per year if you have gum disease.

These are just a few more suggestions.

  • Get plenty of water. Water is good for your mouth and promotes fresher breath.
  • Reduce your alcohol and coffee intake.
  • Brush your tongue regularly – Bacteria could grow on your tongue’s rough surfaces. A tongue scraper may be recommended by your dentist. This is more efficient than a toothbrush.
  • You can promote saliva production – Along with drinking more water, you might also want to try sugarless gum or mints in order to encourage saliva formation. Although this temporary solution may not be permanent, it can be helpful. For chronic dryness, your dentist may prescribe artificial saliva.
  • Another reason to maintain good dental hygiene is to avoid bad breath.


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