What to Aim for during your dental Exam!!

Your total health care includes dental appointments. Here’s what to expect if you have not had a dental exam in a while or are getting ready for your first one.
Your dentist will perform a brief exam to identify any problems, and then you will be referred to a dental hygiene professional for a thorough cleaning.

Your dentist might first address pain or immediate problems before cleaning your teeth. Your dental health will determine the course of treatment and how it is ordered.

An initial exam will include a complete examination of your mouth, tongue, and teeth. A set of dental radiographs may be ordered by your dentist.


These x-rays can detect decay and other problems that might not be apparent with a surface exam. Without x-rays, it can be difficult to see decay between teeth and around old fillings.

Your dentist will also check for signs of gum disease, mouth cancer, or any other health issues with your tongue and teeth. Many initial exams will also check for alignment of your jaws and correct bite (no over-bite, no under-bite).

Before the exam, a dentist will review your medical and dental history. Any significant findings will be discussed. Your dental health can be affected by certain medications or chronic conditions. Your dentist will need to know about all medications you are taking.

Your dentist will talk to you about any problems such as cavities or gum disease. He/she will also explain the options and what needs to be done.

Dental hygienists provide professional cleanings. They also help patients brush and floss properly and offer other tips and tricks for their dental health.

You may feel anxious about your dental exam, especially if it is your first visit or if you haven’t been to a dentist for a while. To minimize discomfort, dentists and other dental professionals make use of modern tools and medication.

Consult a professional

Do not let your anxiety about having your teeth examined stop you from visiting a dentist. If caught early, many dental problems can be treated quickly and cheaply.

A small cavity that is not treated promptly can quickly become a major problem.

Your dentist may recommend that you visit your dentist every six months, depending on the severity of the problem. Your dentist may recommend that you have more frequent cleanings or checkups depending on how severe your dental problems are.

Future problems can be prevented by limiting sugary treats and practicing good dental hygiene (brush twice, floss daily)


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