How to Care for Your Child’s Teeth


Good dental hygiene habits should be established as soon as your child is born. A lot of dental professionals recommend that you schedule a first appointment with the dentist before your child turns one.
But good dental health starts before your first appointment with your dentist. Many dentists recommend that you clean your baby’s gums with a moist gauze pad or a washcloth after each feeding.

For more information about your baby’s oral health, consult your dentist.


  • It is important to plan to brush your child’s teeth until they can do it on their own. The best way to brush your child’s teeth is with a professional.
  • Baby teeth are important for your oral health, even though they may fall out or loosen as your child gets older. Baby teeth are placeholders for permanent teeth, and require proper care and maintenance.

Fluoride in the right amounts on baby’s teeth can help to prevent tooth decay and cavities. Fluoride is added to water supplies in many communities. However, you should consult your dentist if fluoride supplements are required, such as vitamins or direct fluoride treatments.

The main concern

Sugary formulas, juices, and soft drinks in plastic bottles or “sippy cups” are a major concern for toddlers and infants. You should not give your child a sugary beverage such as fruit juice or commercial formulas, and do not allow them to go to bed with it.

Baby teeth of your child can become as decayed as permanent teeth, resulting in painful treatment and eventual tooth loss.

Good dental habits are important for your child’s development. They will be able to make good choices and practice good hygiene at home.

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